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How Often Do Couples Have Sex? Know About Expert’s Opinions

Sex is a significant aspect of a marital relationship. The frequency of sex in your marital life is, of course, a subjective topic. Still, one question hits many people’s minds - How often do couples have sex? Obviously, the rate is different for older and younger couples.

What are the benefits of frequent and regular sex?

More frequent sex brings you some health benefits.

Better immunity

Physical interactions with your partner help you improve your immunity. Indeed, sexually active people are at a higher risk of getting affected by infectious agents. But, their immune systems combat these agents and prevent flu or colds.

A healthy cardiovascular system

Like other physical activities, sex raises your heart rate during orgasms. Thus, regular sex will protect you from potential heart diseases. 

Lower your stress

Stress can result in various issues, including insomnia and headache. You may also suffer from chronic depression due to stress. Although you can practice masturbation, it is better to be involved in sex.

Better sleep

You can combat your sleep issues with regular sex. During sex, your brain releases dopamine and endorphins. So, it results in a sleepy feeling. The part of your brain responsible for mental activity and alertness gets deactivated after an organism. That is why you will feel sleepy.

A glance at the survey on sex frequency

A survey on married couples revealed some important statistics. According to this survey, 25% of people engage in weekly sex, while 16% of men and women do sex 2 to 3 times a week. 17% of couples do sex only once every month. So, these stats give you an idea of How often do couples have sex?

Some studies disclosed the average frequency of sexual interactions of cohabiting and married couples. As per these studies, the average frequency of sex among adults is 54 times a year.  

However, one interesting fact is that sexual frequency reaches the highest level when couples are in the early relationship stage. It is because they plan to have a baby at this time.

Factors affecting the sex frequency

Perhaps, you are still searching for an answer to your query - How often should couples have sex? Some factors determine how often you sexually engage with your partner.

Your overall health

Your sex drive depends on whether you are healthy or have medical conditions. For instance, pregnant women or women with menopause have hormonal fluctuations. Similarly, reduced testosterone in men can decrease sexual interest.

Relationship status

Aging causes people to do sex less frequently.

Different events in your personal life

Your busy lifestyle can make you feel tired. You can look for ways to nurture your relationship.

Which factors lead to a lower sex drive?

Stress, workload, and other factors affect sexual desire. In the modern age, life moves faster, and couplers cannot find time to analyze their sex lives. Besides, medications like antidepressants affect libido. Furthermore, technology contributes to reduced sexual interest. Your continuous activity with mobiles may detract your partner from interacting with you. Due to these issues, it is challenging to determine how often should married couples have sex.

Should you make a plan for sex?

Having a schedule for sexual activity is beneficial. You can stay prepared for sex mentally and sexually. It also enables you to prioritize your relationship for better sex.

What does the research say about the frequency of sex?

Researchers have tried to find - How many times a week do couples have sex?

They have noticed that couples who engage in sexual activities at least once every week enjoy a happier marital life. However, the number is not right for every couple. According to experts, couples themselves should decide on the regularity of sex.

The brief discussion would help you find an answer to your question- How often should a couple have sex? We have highlighted a few points on how many times a week does the average couple have sex? Hopefully, this helps. The frequency of sexual activities of couples depends on various factors like health and age. However, it is crucial to discuss your sexual desires with your partner. Having satisfying sexual encounters is more vital than having them frequently.


Author: Deborah L. Tolman

Tolman is Assistant Editor of PinkKitty Sex Toys. Deborah L. Tolman is a developmental psychologist and the co-founder of SPARK: Sexualization Protest: Action, Resistance, Knowledge. She regularly researches adolescent sexuality, gender development, and gender equality. She is the author of Dilemmas of Desire: Teenage Girls Talk about Sexuality, which was awarded the 2003 Distinguished Book Award from the Association for Women in Psychology.

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